Thursday 2 August 2018

We go up and then down.Once in a blue moon there was two little kids and a mum. They were on there going far far far away from Hawkes Bay. The kids were scared out of there living dead. Here comes our plane to go Auckland so they went outside it was cool seeing all the plane. But it was not cool going on a plan. They started to go up. We were going up so fast that it was pulling us to the set. It was scary we stopped getting pulled to the sets so we looked out the window it was so scary!!!!!! Mum was yus to it because she is a pilot. She smiled at taylor and Jacob they don't know what the plan rules were so they started to talk about jumping out of the window so they did the mum wanted to go and get them back in so she undid her set belt and tried to grab them but they were out of rang. but it was the only thing that keeps them happy so the mum sit next to them from in side of the plan. the mum gave them a ear mask with a ear tanks they finally came back in because whānau our  landing  we are at akland.
The endx

star poster

dad wavers

Bright trees stood silently all around looking down on flowers and shrubs coloured with autumnal shades   as the sun cut through the branches like shards of broken, golden glass. It woke up – slowly uncurling and looking around before padding to the edge of his towering home. “She is back at last,” he whispered to himself so she didn’t hear him.  High above the treetops, he sat admiring her as she flitted from plant to plant. Gently she grabbed each flower between he slender fingers. Breathing life into everything she touched she made the forest come to life. Minutes passed as he watched her admiringly, whilst resting his head on his hands.  Had anything ever been so beautiful as she was? “She is as delicate as a flower, an elegant paper flower, fragile and brittle to the touch. Stop! Oh No Stop! He tried to call out but only silence emanated from his stony maw.


Description slowly uncurling and looking around before padding to the edge of his towering home.
action slowly uncurling and looking around before padding to the edge of his towering home
Daloge  slowly uncurling and looking around before padding to the edge of his towering home