Thursday 5 April 2018

the bad storm

Once in a blue moon there was a storm. It broke through houses and millions of lives where sacrifces where made and this is how this littel girl svived. She stared to look arund. She sore her dogs floting away on a pes of ice. So they stated to jump from crak ice to crak ice 5 mins later she got her dogs back. She started to walk towards town she fond meney cool things like gold cons and old cons you can’t even use eney more and green ston and a big blok of it to and lego and put it all in her bag and went. She was finley in town she stared to look for food and she found cookies, spagetti, chips, fizzy times 3 and apils times 3 oring times 3 sed to plant food 4 bags of dog biskits and a weelbarow to hold some stuf. She stared to walk in about 4 hours they walk in to a town sprized becous her mum and dad there and did not ned all the stuf she got.

By jorge.

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