Thursday 12 April 2018

best part of me

Best part of me…

Hands are the best part of me because they allow me to throw balls and feel things.
With hands i can play and climb trees and bild if I had no hands I would not be abil do anything at all.
I would not go to bed cuftbull because I can not pull up the blankets and be warm.
And that is why I think we need hands

By jorge wealan

the bad beach

For hundreds of years the god of the sea has been sleeping the sea animals are scared the sea waves are going cra cra. People are not catching any kimwana to eat because they are scared in their homes to the sand is slippery slope and tooooooo wet so the kimwana hope the sea god wakes up so he can fix everything.

ko wai au

the shark attak

The shark attack As i jack went into the tank with the shark for the 10,000th thim to feed the shark food and kids attention with the shark. The kids started to tap on the glass. So the shark started to swim to the glass the kids started to get scared. So the kids started to talk to their mums or dads saying let's go out of the akerman. The shark shated the glass into pieces so the sand and water went everywhere. So the shark got put down. Jack was sad

by jorge

Image result for shark

Thursday 5 April 2018

a bad day

As a kid could zoe went  to arkland with a dog could izzy she got terrified because the pilot full out because they did a loppy lop with no para shot and fainted. But luckley unf the plane was on autopilot and izzy and zoe was saft well for now they were. Zoe needs to land the black and green shiney stenkey naber 39 plan. They were wofheding towards a windey storm. The plane satrted to get pulld in and tworl in the windey storm. And then it tord in to a tonado. Zoe and izzy went so fast that it throw them throw the ear. Zoe and izze so fast because they are aerodynamic. They put there set belts on befor they flew out. They sor aklad earapot so zoe push the string weel ford and it went down and down and down. But zoe did not no where to stop they sor someone waveing two lits so thats where thay landed. 5mins lata. This is where they where asposto land. “Look mum is at the windo lits go izzy mum is at the door “mum!””wof” they went home the end

the bad storm

Once in a blue moon there was a storm. It broke through houses and millions of lives where sacrifces where made and this is how this littel girl svived. She stared to look arund. She sore her dogs floting away on a pes of ice. So they stated to jump from crak ice to crak ice 5 mins later she got her dogs back. She started to walk towards town she fond meney cool things like gold cons and old cons you can’t even use eney more and green ston and a big blok of it to and lego and put it all in her bag and went. She was finley in town she stared to look for food and she found cookies, spagetti, chips, fizzy times 3 and apils times 3 oring times 3 sed to plant food 4 bags of dog biskits and a weelbarow to hold some stuf. She stared to walk in about 4 hours they walk in to a town sprized becous her mum and dad there and did not ned all the stuf she got.

By jorge.

camp experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Camp experience!!!!

I was in the creepy wild listening to beautiful birds and rivers and other beautiful things.
Shining through the trees, the sun was not too bright it was perfect.
Dark green climbing moss
Covered the brown bark on the old aged native trees.
The wind was nice to me and did not blow on me hard.
I noticed a tui up above my head in the rimu trees.
I heard the wind and birds go by.
I felt the rough tree that i sat on with rough bark that is dark brown.

ImageThe end by jorge